Study published on effectiveness of Scanning Wizard

We developed Scanning Wizard, then researched whether it actually helped improve performance for people who use switch scanning to communicate.

We’re pleased to announce that our paper on the effectiveness of Scanning Wizard has been published in the journal Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. Scanning Wizard is a free tool that helps assistive technology teams optimize switch and scanning setups for individuals who rely on switch access. This post summarizes the study and provides links to the published paper. Continue reading “Study published on effectiveness of Scanning Wizard”

Scanning Wizard in the Classroom

A hands-on experience teaching switch access to occupational therapy students

Grand Rapids, MI — This summer, a Western Michigan University class of occupational therapy graduate students experienced assistive technology first-hand. WMU instructor Cara Masselink included Scanning Wizard in her Therapeutic Use of Technology curriculum to demonstrate an innovative service—- and to foster empathy in her students.

Occupational therapy student using Scanning Wizard, showing a grid of letter items on computer screen
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